Campbellville, Milton, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 90% of the units in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners whereas the rest are rented. The large percentage of single detached homes in the housing stock of this neighbourhood is an important part of its character. Roughly one third of properties in this area were built in the 1960s and 1970s, while the majority of the remaining buildings were constructed pre-1960 and in the 1980s. This part of Milton is primarily composed of three bedroom and four or more bedroom homes. Read more about Campbellville real estate
Carriage Trade
Carriage Trade
The car is very often the best transportation option in this part of Milton. It is a short car ride to the nearest highway, such as Highway 401, from any location in Campbellville, and parking is quite easy. Many of the houses for sale in this part of the town are located in places that are not very conducive to those who travel by foot as very few daily needs can be met by walking. The bicycle is a rather limited means of transportation in Campbellville as cyclists are faced with a considerable amount of elevation changes, and there are very few bike lanes.
Campbellville does not contain any high schools or primary schools. In terms of eating, it is convenient to reach the closest grocery store by walking from most properties for sale in this part of Milton. A small number of restaurants are available in Campbellville as well.
It is relatively serene in Campbellville, since there are very few pedestrians. Public green spaces aren't well-distributed, resulting in them being occasionally challenging to reach from a lot of locations in this part of the town. Still, there are a few parks nearby for residents to check out.