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Diefenbaker Management Area, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Real Estate and Homes for Sale

In Diefenbaker Management Area, the majority of dwellings are single detached homes, and the rest of the dwellings are mainly small apartment buildings. Around one third of properties in this area were constructed following the year 2000, while many of the remaining buildings were built pre-1960 and in the 1960s. This part of the city offers mainly four or more bedroom and two bedroom homes. About three quarters of the population of this neighbourhood own their home while renters make up the remainder.  Read more about Diefenbaker Management Area real estate

19 Homes For Sale Within 2 km of Diefenbaker Management Area



The best way to navigate Diefenbaker Management Area is very often a car. It is a rather short drive to the closest highway from any location in this part of the city, and it is very easy to come across a place to park. On the other hand, public transit riders may find very limited options in this part of Saskatoon by reason of the low service level. Walking is not very practical for home buyers in Diefenbaker Management Area because running common errands is difficult on foot.


This part of the city does not have any high schools or primary schools. In addition, daycares are not abundant and consequently not always within walking distance. As far as food is concerned, doing one's groceries very often necessitates the use of a vehicle in Diefenbaker Management Area.


Diefenbaker Management Area offers a broad selection of green spaces to enjoy. There are a few parks close by for residents to check out and they are very well-distributed, which makes it very easy to access them. Since there are very few pedestrians, this part of Saskatoon remains relatively calm.