McNab, Regina, Saskatchewan Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 85% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home whereas the remainder are renters. Single detached homes are the predominant housing type, representing about three quarters of dwellings in this part of the city, while townhouses are also present in the housing stock. Around 45% of properties in this neighbourhood were constructed pre-1960, while the majority of the remaining buildings were built in the 1960s. This area offers mainly two bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about McNab real estate
McNab is very car friendly. It is very easy to park. On the other hand, the public transit system in McNab is rather limited. Nevertheless, there are a few bus lines crossing the neighbourhood, and it is very convenient to find a nearby bus stop from most properties. This area is not very well-suited for walking because few common errands can be run without having to use a car.
Families will value the proximity to primary schools, which are within walking distance from the majority of houses for sale in McNab. In contrast, this neighbourhood does not have any high schools. Concerning food, it is occasionally feasible for home buyers in McNab to do groceries by walking.
Home buyers who prefer a relaxed ambience will enjoy McNab. There are a few parks nearby for residents to visit and they are very well-spread out, which makes it easy to get to them. This neighbourhood is also quiet, as the streets are usually tranquil.