The New Greenfield Park, Longueuil, Quebec Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 90% of the dwellings in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners and the rest are rented. The predominant housing types in this part of the city are single detached homes and townhouses. Most homes in this neighbourhood were built in the 1960s and 1970s, during its most significant building boom. This part of Longueuil is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about The New Greenfield Park real estate
The New Greenfield Park is appropriate for cycling because there are few slopes to confront bicycle riders, and the bicycling infrastructure is good. This area will also draw active house buyers as it is quite suitable for walking; carrying out daily needs is easy. The New Greenfield Park is not especially transit friendly. Nevertheless, the neighbourhood is connected by a few bus lines, and the nearest bus stop is generally just around the corner. In contrast, the preferred way to move around in this part of Longueuil is usually driving. It is convenient to come across a parking spot, and many houses for sale are a reasonably short drive from the nearest highway.
It is sometimes feasible for property owners in The New Greenfield Park to travel to the nearest supermarket on foot. There are a limited number of options for those who value close by restaurants. When it comes to education, it is a reasonably short walk to get to schools and daycares from anywhere in this neighbourhood.
Home buyers who prefer a calm atmosphere will enjoy The New Greenfield Park. This part of the city is very quiet, as there are generally low levels of noise from traffic. Lastly, the greenery in this neighbourhood is not particularly prominent; to be more precise, residents will find that few tree-lined streets are around. Nonetheless, parks are especially well-spread out and there are a few of them nearby for residents to check out, which results in them being easy to reach from a large number of locations within the neighbourhood.