Iberville, Longueuil, Quebec Real Estate and Homes for Sale
About 85% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home whereas renters make up the remainder. In this neighbourhood, many buildings are single detached homes, and the rest of the properties are mainly townhouses. This area experienced its most significant construction boom in the 1960s and 1970s, so most of the available housing stock is from this era. This neighbourhood is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about Iberville real estate
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The best method to move around in Iberville is very often a car. The majority of real estate listings are a rather short drive from the closest highway, such as Autoroute de l'Acier, and parking is easy. However, this part of the city is not very transit friendly. Thankfully, the neighbourhood is connected by about 10 bus lines, and most residences are very close to a bus stop. This part of the city is quite bicycling-friendly because Iberville has a good cycling infrastructure, and there are a limited number of hills. However, there are relatively few pedestrians out on the streets of Iberville, although meeting daily needs is convenient.
Families will appreciate the proximity to primary schools and daycares, which are within walking distance from the majority of properties for sale in Iberville. In contrast, parents may find it challenging for their kids to get to high schools as a pedestrian. With regards to food, it is easy to reach the nearest supermarket by walking in Iberville. Residents are served by around 10 restaurants and coffee shops as well.
The character of Iberville is exemplified by its slower-paced atmosphere. This area features not that much greenery; to be more precise, residents will find that numerous streets have below average tree coverage. Nonetheless, it is easy to access green spaces since there are approximately 10 of them nearby for residents to enjoy. This area is also fairly good for those who enjoy quiet surroundings, as the streets are generally quite tranquil - however noise can be bothersome around Autoroute de l'Acier or the railway line.