Fraipont, Winnipeg, Manitoba Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Nearly all of the population of this neighbourhood own their home while the remainder are renters. Single detached homes are the most common housing type, representing almost all dwellings in this part of Winnipeg, while townhouses are also present in the housing stock. A majority of the housing growth in this neighbourhood has occurred after the year 2000. This area is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about Fraipont real estate
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Carriage Trade
The preferred method to get around in this part of the city is very often driving. Nearby highways are very easy to reach from any home in Fraipont, and it is especially convenient to find a place to park. On the other hand, commuting by transit can be very difficult in this area due to the infrequent service. Walking is not very practical for property owners in Fraipont since running common errands is difficult on foot.
Fraipont does not contain any high schools or primary schools. Furthermore, families may find it very hard for their kids to access daycares on foot. Regarding food, property owners in Fraipont usually have to use a vehicle to reach the closest supermarket.
There are a lot of green spaces to enjoy in Fraipont. It is easy to get to parks from many locations within the neighbourhood since there are a few of them nearby for residents to relax in. Finally, it is relatively quiet in this part of the city, due to the presence of very few people out and about on the streets.