Windsor Park, Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Windsor Park experienced its largest construction boom prior to the 1960s, so most of the available homes are from this era. The housing stock of this neighbourhood is composed primarily of single detached homes and row houses. Homeowners occupy roughly 90% of the properties in Windsor Park and 10% are rented. However this neighbourhood is particularly good for those looking for four or more bedroom homes. Read more about Windsor Park real estate
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No matter the medium of transportation, it is quite easy to travel in this neighbourhood. Commuting by public transit is convenient in Windsor Park. In particular, there are a few bus lines, and bus stops are not very far-removed from most houses. A majority of the homes for sale in this part of Edmonton are located in areas that are also quite conducive to walking; many daily needs are easy to meet without having to resort to a car. This area is quite suited for biking as the bicycling network is very comprehensive.
Daycares and primary schools are very easy to walk to from most homes for sale in Windsor Park. On the other hand, there are no high schools in this area. As far as eating is concerned, in most cases, a vehicle is needed to shop for groceries. Nevertheless, it is generally a reasonably short distance to the nearest pharmacy, which can provide some basic food items. There are a fair number of choices for those who care about nearby restaurants and cafes.
Home buyers who prefer a relaxed environment will enjoy Windsor Park. This part of the city is very quiet, as there tend to be low levels of noise from traffic. Lastly, public green spaces, such as William Hawrelak Park, are very well-located and there are a few of them close by for residents to check out, which makes them very easy to reach.