Oxford, Edmonton, Alberta Real Estate and Homes for Sale
About 90% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home and 10% are renters. The predominant housing types in this part of the city are single detached homes and townhouses. This neighbourhood experienced its biggest building boom after the year 2000, so most of the available properties are from this era. This part of the city is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about Oxford real estate
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This part of Edmonton is very car friendly. Coming across a place to park is easy, and nearby highways are easy to drive to from any home in Oxford. However, travelling by transit can be challenging in this part of Edmonton by reason of the low service level. Thankfully, the neighbourhood is connected by a few bus lines, and bus stops are not very far away from most properties. It is occasionally challenging for pedestrians to navigate Oxford as few common errands can be run on foot. In contrast, Oxford is very appropriate for bicycling because there are a limited number of slopes for cyclists to brave, and the cycling infrastructure is great.
It is very often possible for property owners in Oxford to buy their groceries on foot. Concerning education, in this area, families will usually be able to get to primary schools and daycares on foot. In contrast, there are no high schools in Oxford.
Home buyers who prefer a relaxed atmosphere will enjoy Oxford. It is easy to reach parks in the neighbourhood since there are a few of them close by for residents to visit. The noise levels in this part of Edmonton are also very low, as the streets are usually very tranquil.